A detailed 3D model of a car with visible internal components, including the front and rear wheel assemblies. The car's body is semi-transparent, revealing some of the internal structure and mechanical parts.



3DEXPERIENCE platform screenshot showing a woman looking at 3D models and simulation software interface on a computer. The screen displays two colorful 3D models with Chinese text and descriptions.

達梭系統的3DEXPERIENCE(簡稱3DE)平台將企業的所有業務整合到一個平台中,以增強部門間的協作、改善執行並加速創新。在3DE平台提供的統一操作環境下,工程師可以輕鬆完成從3D建模、模擬分析、多學科最佳化、資料管理和流程管理,還可以根據業務的需求擴展架構,支援多種模擬類型以及多學科之間的協同。目前在3DE平台上,已經有超多500+的應用程式(app)應用於不同部門的工程師,3DE平台提供了即時的協同和互動的環境。在接下來的車輛整體模型簡化中,我們將用到兩個來自達梭3DEXCITE品牌的關鍵角色Marketing Model Generator和Marketing Model Creator。其中的核心應用(app)或指令是:

The image shows two icons side by side. The left icon is labeled 'xOptimize Pro' and features a blue and white design with a gear and a cube connected by lines. The right icon is labeled 'Product Processor' and has a green and gray design with a gear and a central green circle connected by lines.

利用xOptimize Pro建立模型簡化的腳本

在xOptimize Pro中,使用者可以透過配置視覺化節點來方便地建立模型簡化的腳本,然後再透過Product Processor指令來執行腳本,這樣就實現了模型的自動化簡化過程。

The image shows the interface of a software application called xOptimize Pro by 3DEXCITE. The interface includes options such as 'Restore,' 'New,' 'Recent,' 'Open,' and 'Import.' There are also five preview images with labels: 'BLANK,' 'DECIMATE,' 'DECIMATE AND MERGE STRUCTURE,' 'DECIMATE AND MERGE ALL,' 'PUBLISH TO WEB,' and 'IP PROTECTION.' The background features a detailed, metallic, circular design. The interface also includes links to 'User Assistance,' 'User's Community,' and 'LinkedIn.' Text in Chinese is present at the bottom right corner.

xOptimize Pro支援的簡化規則非常多,我們將重點放在Defeature(去特徵)和Envelop(包絡)這兩個規則(如下圖)。 Defeature可用於去除結構件的孔洞、去除倒角等操作;Envelop可以針對複雜曲面結構計算得到包絡幾何。

3DEXCITE xOptimize Pro interface displaying the Defeature options. Settings include removing holes and chamfers, with parameters set for hole diameters less than or equal to 10.00 and chamfer radii less than or equal to 5.00.
Screenshot of 3DEXCITE xOptimize Pro software interface. The Operator Library on the left lists various functions such as Decimate, Defeature, Delete, Envelop, Impostor - Envelop, Jacketing, Material assign, Material remove, Merge, Optimize Mesh, Projection mapping, Replace, Set label, Split Shape, Tessellate, and Unwrap. The main panel shows settings for 'ZM0708_split' with options for Split Shape and Envelop. Split Shape settings include Split By (Level) and options for Body, Ordered Geometrical Set, and Geometrical Set. Envelop settings include Property to use (Voxel_Size), Size of one voxel (200.00 mm), Hide envelope, and Hide input. The interface also includes various icons and buttons for additional functionalities.


The image shows an export dialog box from a software application. The dialog box has a title 'Export' and a field labeled 'Name' with the value 'ZM0709_envelop_v9.0'. Below the name field, there are two options: 'xOptimize Pro Operation' with the extension '.dpo' and 'Product Processor Operation' with the extension '.data'. The 'Product Processor Operation' option is highlighted with a red border. At the bottom of the dialog box, there are 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons. To the right of the dialog box, there is a file directory listing several files with names starting with 'ZM0708' and various extensions such as '.ddata' and '.data'.

透過3DE平台導入CAD模型。平台支援多種格式的CAD模型(包括CATIA v5, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, Inventor, NX等),這裡我們選擇中性的step格式。

The image shows the interface of 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Rendering Scene Design. The first part of the image displays the main interface with a highlighted 'Import' option under the 'Create' menu. The second part of the image shows the 'Import' dialog box with the following details: Format set to STEP (*.stp), Source set to File on disk, Location set to D:\CST\model_defeature\, and Filename set to car0709.stp. The Options section includes a checkbox for saving the report, with the report location set to D:\CST\model_defeature\ and the report name set to car0709.


A screenshot of the 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Rendering Scene Design interface displaying a 3D model of a car part labeled 'car0709 A.1'. The model appears to be a section of a car's dashboard support panel. The interface shows a hierarchical structure on the left side, listing various components and planes such as 'CAD_car_assem/CAD_prep_Body_R_Side/B_EI_FENDER_REAR' and 'B_EI_DASH_SUPPORT_PANEL/Middle Dash panel.1#8_Middle D'. The 3D model is rendered in a grey color, with detailed contours and cutouts visible.

接下來執行模型簡化的腳本,點選Product Processor,選擇事先設定好的簡化腳本。

3DExperience CATIA software interface displaying a 3D model of a car part. The interface shows a detailed view of the part with various options and parameters on the right side, including 'Simulation Process' and 'Simulation Execution.' The bottom toolbar contains icons for different tools and functions.

為了對比不同參數的簡化效果,Size of one voxel分別設定成兩組參數:200mm和50mm,對應兩種不同的體素尺寸。

The image shows two screenshots of the 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA Rendering Scene Design interface. In both screenshots, a dialog box titled 'Execution Parameters' is open. The first screenshot shows the 'Encoding' field set to '200', while the second screenshot shows the 'Encoding' field set to '50'. The interface includes various tabs and options related to the design and execution of rendering scenes.

透過Product Processor執行腳本之後,很快就得到簡化後的模型。透過對比可以看出:簡化後的模型保留了結構的主要特徵,但是刪除掉不必要的細節,對後續的整車EMC模擬非常有幫助。如果特性簡化過多,影響到最終的模擬結果,工程師也可以重新修改腳本參數的參數。

A 3D rendering of a blue, irregularly shaped object displayed in the CATIA software interface. The object appears to be a component labeled 'Envelope_Model_A1' and 'Envelope_Model_A1.1B' in the software. The interface shows various tabs and options related to the design and rendering of the object.
Size of one voxel:200
A 3D rendering of a car dashboard support panel displayed in the 3DEXPERIENCE CATIA software interface. The panel is shown in blue and appears to be a complex, curved structure with various cutouts and indentations. The software interface includes a search bar and a list of files related to the project, such as 'Envelop_S0Modul_A1' and 'Envelop_S0B_EI_DASH SUPPORT PANEL.'
Size of one voxel:50


The image shows three different visual representations of a model. The first image on the left is labeled '原始模型' (original model) and depicts a detailed, intricate 3D model. The middle image is labeled 'Size of one voxel: 200' and shows a simplified version of the model with larger, less detailed voxels. The right image is labeled 'Size of one voxel: 50' and depicts a more detailed version of the model with smaller voxels. The comparison highlights how voxel size affects the level of detail in 3D modeling.

原文轉載來自: 周明 – CST电动汽车EMC仿真(九)——借助3DEXPERIENCE平台实现整车模型的自动化简化




CST 毫米波雷達模擬(一)

